Lost Love

Suppose you were in love with someone who seemed to adore you and hang on to every word you speak while applauding every move you make, raising you to a godlike status. Imagine the exhilaration to experience such a moment which raises your hopes to be loved for a lifetime and then the love of your life vanishes without a trace.

No matter how much you search she cannot be found. She no longer exists.

Desperately, you begin to look for another love exactly like her in every detail, in order to be adored in all the same ways. Upon finding the replacement of the love of your life, you bestow all that is left of your affection on her. Sadly, she and all her future likenesses vanish in precisely the same manner.You are left empty and heart broken.

Sensing your despair, a friend reaches out to you. He offers a small powder substance to lift you up so you can begin your search anew.

Soon the white powder replaces the need for your lost love with a new need to simply pull yourself out of a dark pit.

The wealth that your former loves showered on you before they vanished no longer brings you joy. Your world is now one dark hole where more and more of the white powder is required to bring in a brief period of sunlight.

In a moment of spiritual renewal, you remember the teachings of your youth. Seeing through the darkness you realize that an audience is an unfaithful love that adores you for a moment then vanishes. Applause of an audience is like white powder that creates a need which one’s everyday life cannot fulfill.

Sadly, it dawns on you that the addiction of your need for applause given by an audience is like being loved for a moment and then lost for a lifetime.